Ballistic electron-emission microscopy
(BEEM) is an experimental technique measuring the electron current which,
injected from the tip of a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) into a thin
metallic overlayer, travels through an underlying metal-semiconductor (MS)
interface and is finally collected in the semiconductor substrate. Given the
current trend in the development of electronic devices at the nanometer scale,
BEEM is a powerful tool for the nanoscale characterization of electron
transport through various MS heterostructures. In this talk, I
will illustrate some specific potentialities of BEEM for the study of ultrathin
metallic films and nanostructures epitaxially grown on III-V semiconductors:
For simple single-crystalline Schottky contacts, the
structural continuity at the epitaxial interface results in the conservation of
the electron transverse momentum k//
at the MS interface. Due to this transverse momentum conservation rule, BEEM is
highly sensitive to the local MS interface electronic structure.
For Fe/Au/Fe/GaAs(001) epitaxial spin-valves, the
measured hot-electron current is strongly modulated by the application of an
external magnetic field. This magnetoresistance amplitude reaches 500% at
room-temperature and can be explained by taking into account the previous
electronic selection rules at each interface of the heterostructure generalized
for both up and down spin channels.
Finally, the large magnetoresistance amplitude
achieved in these spin-valves allows the observation of magnetic domains in the
Fe electrodes. The performances of BEEM as a magnetic imaging technique with
strong contrast and subnanometer lateral resolution are demonstrated on
patterned sub-micronic Fe/Au/Fe(001) spin-valves.
BEEM magnetic imaging and micromagnetic simulation of the magnetic domain structure in a Fe(1.2nm)/Au(6nm)/Fe(1nm)/GaAs(001) patterned spin-valve